
Opinion of the class

I thought this class was amazing. I loved the structure of the work and the implementation of the homework. Going back and forth between the book and the readings was a very good idea because the textbooks do become monotonous and this was able to draw the class away from that while still continuing with the learning of the material. I also really enjoyed the blog posting as our main homework assignment. I first of all like the idea of the blog because you can turn it in and be done with it whenever you are finished even if that is at 2 in the morning. It also doesn't require printing of any paper and remember to bring it to class or any such hassle. I also really preferred the blog because we baiscally wrote one paper a week (little less) and this was managable and conducive to learning the information. As I said I really enjoyed this class and am excited to have you as a professor again next semester! Thank you and Merry Christmas!

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